
The fat man squawked...

...or squealed. Hey, I'm in TN. I can make Deliverance references if I want. Uneventful day. Dinner was pork tenderloin, baked sweet potatoes, green beans and a fruit compote thing I whipped up. And sourdough bread (was a gift).
I am wrong to call it uneventful. Sic-un and I got hot and sweaty. It's actually a bit painful to sit. Feels wonderful, though. I find myself beginning to make plans for next holiday season, but none will come to fruition. I'll sit on my duff like I have a bad tendency to and will do what I did this year... plan badly.
Everyone got devil duckies. Including myself. A devil duckie should be in every person's bath.
And now I'm going to bed because I'm actually tired and may not be gripped by insomnia's hot breath.
Good night.

1 comment:

spcknght said...

Belated Holiday Greetings to you both! And I agree...Devil Duckies rule! :)