
I was right!

We had snow. SNOW....Of course, so did Mom in Abq. I leave town and it snows a bunch. I live there 20 years and not too much. Figures.

This first is at 3:03PM, on Friday. Just a light dusting...I keep waiting for the deluge because flakes started coming down like, 3 hours ago...

Here's just 40 some-odd minutes later... The curvy line on my rear fender is from the wind and how the snow stuck to the filth on my little blue, NOT how the fender actually looks.
Scary thought: The grass is still green underneath for the most part. I blame the weather. We haven't really had 'hard' freezes to brown it up without a warming period in-between filled with rain. Tends to keep it *sigh* green. And for JANUARY? With snow on the ground? That's just... strange.

1:16AM (yes, I grabbed the camera. It's handy. I'm always snapping.) It's still snowing, and it's pushing some sleet as well, so that's a lovely layer of ice over everything, too. Tried to capture the snowflakes, couldn't.

6-ish PM on Saturday and a slightly different view of the neighborhood. This is off the front porch, turned to the right. And that's the car S.o.S-u used to drive up. It has stopped snowing, after starting noonish on Friday, at about 4PM Saturday. That's the longest I've seen it snow in years.

by Darkneuro 1/31/2009

This beauty I included because it's natural light, Sunday morning. I love these colors. Mom Nature has a great eye, doesn't she?

In other news... we're going to the circus. Next month. Ringling Bros. Great tickets. Sic-un has never been. I haven't been since I was 8.

Creative Commons License
8:08AM by Darkneuro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

1 comment:

Whirlbrain said...

We've been getting a good bit of rain, but only snow in the high mtns.