
I've got a loverly bunch of....

C'mon...admit it...you thought 'coconuts', didn't you? I did. I've been a bit...flighty lately. I'm going to Albuquerque. I leave in 10 days. I've been occupied with that. There's a ton of new eye candy in the Alternate Dimension (or is that Demention?). I've been occupied with that. Apparently I've been doing really well in the AD and didn't even know it, so I've been getting minor spiffs here and there like being allowed to walk & answer questions instead of sit and answer the phone. It breaks up the day. And I got a new schedule, which I really have been enjoying. Now watch...they'll take it away from me.
Yes, I'm being pessimistic.
Like the eye candy. A cute hippy dude (another J, if you can believe that), a rather fit specimen (R), and then a guy with a bike (T). Please note I did not say biker. He's not. He's a guy with a bike. He is, however, geeky. And he gets my sick, sad little jokes. And then there's The Blonde. She's 21, hot little body, cuter than dammit...I wanna make her cry. But nothing will happen of it, I know this. I'm me and they're them and it's the AD, and nothing will happen because this is the South and Sic-un is mine and I 'belong' to him, so I'm off limits. In all ways.....
Silly, silly AD...
And then there's... He knows who he is. He's been occupying much of my thoughts lately. Songs go through my head. Older, hotter, deeper...Throbby. He knows, the sly dog...Insert quiet smile here, kids.
And Sic-un. I worry. His back. He's sick. Waiting on an appointment time for a gastro. And Sosu...He's been worrisome lately.
Good news on the mother front. The chemo has, apparently, worked, she is now in remission. Sighs of relief were heard across the land, but I won't be good until I see her.
I miss my Mommy.
But it's made me a bit flighty. I'm thinking in blurbs, small bits. Things will capture my attention and I'll think ooooh, shiny! and then bounce to the other thing. Today, for instance. I went shoe shopping this morning (wearing a dress, needed a pair of shoes that were not black or brown....So I wound up with 2 coral pairs), came home, made flatbread, did laundry, washed dishes, cooked dinner....Simultaneously. I'd do bits of 1 thing, then move to another, then do bits of yet another thing...
All while interspersing my day with TED talks....
And then bits of philosophy go through my head. My own, I'm afraid. Like how I view love and loving someone. It's like trying to explain our relationship (Sic-un). I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him. I know this. But I hope to love many others along the way to 'the rest of my life'. He's my LUMP (living with unmarried partner), but life is too short for one flavor of ice cream, dammit! I want to find him some cute young thing to play with...but then I think about his back and it makes me sad. But there is no guilt over contemplating tripping some of these in the eye candy section. And it's not no guilt because nothing will come of it, it's no guilt because...
There is no cheating (and) We're completely honest with each other.
And then I start thinking about family and what I eventually want. I want a large property that I can have my loved people around me on. Gardens and makerspaces...
So you see my scatter, my flighty, my shiny.
So back to the TED. Hopefully I'll kill insomnia tonight. The new schedule has me up an hour earlier, but it doesn't matter because I'm up before the alarm is usually anyway.
Peace, lovers.....

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